Queens Edge

The Wetland Lair is a larger house, or Manor if you like, from 1941. Built right on the edge of the Second World War, and on the edge of the modern and industrialised society we know so well today.

The building style is understated Arts and Crafts, that part of Modernism that branched out into Art Deco and Art Noveau throughout the 1920s and 1930s. A style that in Denmark became Skønvirke.

The ideal in the manor is not skønvirke but imported English Art's and Crafts. Seeing and understanding just that was key to the transformation of the house, which had undergone an earlier renovation. It was well done but stuck in the 80s.

I particularly worked on getting the line of sight from arrival to sight to work as the pure movement. I have sought to support the greenery outside the windows in the look from the kitchen, over the dining area and living room towards the view from the south facing tall windows. I have worked with green walls against the significant views towards nature and the south, balancing the green with the pink. Complementary color.

It makes for a nice and comfortable experience in the otherwise very large dining/living room. Around the wood-burning stove, specially coloured lava stones are interwoven with the oak herringbone poles. The two tones on the wall create a horizon that makes sitting down in the otherwise high room more real.

The bathrooms have each been given their own colour. Blue in the basement, green on the ground floor and pink in the attic. Again, the horizon is included to create an experience of the otherwise small spaces spreading out and the lower darker tone becomes landscape, and above the horizon is the lighter tiled sky. A play with the eye and our perception.

Renovation and remodeling

North of Copenhagen


Jagtvejens VVS

Advice in all phases. Planning, tendering and construction.

500 square meters

Completed in 2021

Design & text © Anders Barslund
Images © Anders Barslund
Interior design © Anders Barslund